Jeff's Mountain Bike Trails - Home Page

Jeff's Mountain Bike Trails:

Disclaimer:  Use these trail descriptions at your own risk.  Read "Ride Sensibly" for more information.

Ride Sensibly

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Welcome to Jeff's Mountain Bike Trails

Welcome to Jeff's Mountain Bike Trails. You won't find anything very fancy here. I simply enjoy mountain biking, and this page is an effort to share some of the trails I ride on with others.

The trails here described here are in Northern California, and cover two general regions:

The Sierra from the Sacramento area up to Lake Tahoe (and down towards Yosemite).

The South Bay Area & Santa Cruz mountains.

When I first started reading trail descriptions, I found many of them didn't seem to be detailed enough.  As a result, I started to write my own descriptions for friends in more detail.  I don't know if I succeeded in making my descriptions better, but for better or worse, you will find them generally long and detailed.

I hope you find the information here useful.  Sorry, but you have to go through one more page of information before you get to the actual trail descriptions.

Contributions Welcome:  If you have your own trail descriptions you would like to send to me, please do.  If they are in a form I can easily post, I'll probably even add them to this web site.  Send them to

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This page last updated 12/14/2003 11:53 PM