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Jeff's Mountain Bike Trails:

Disclaimer:  Use these trail descriptions at your own risk.  Read "Ride Sensibly" for more information.

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Dike 8

Latrobe to Consumnes River

Dike 8

The Dike 8 trail is located on the south shore of Folsom Lake.  It is a fairly easy ride, mostly on single track. This is a great ride for teaching or learning single track riding.

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Latrobe to Consumnes River

The ride from Latrobe to the bridge over the Consumnes River near Michigan Bar and back is a nice spring ride when the fields are green and the temperatures aren't too high. It's about 12.5 miles in and out on on dirt roads. It's not too technical, but you loose 600' elevation on the way in, which you then regain on the way out, so it will give you some exercise.

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Get an overview topo map of the ride. Latrobe2Con_overview.gif (136061 bytes) (133K)

Detailed topo maps. Part 1 (147K): Latrobe2Con_detail1.gif (150866 bytes), Part 2 (203K): Latrobe2Con_detail2.gif (208032 bytes)

Get an elevation profile of the ride. Latrobe2Con_profile.gif (9362 bytes)


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This page last updated 04/06/2000 12:19 AM